Monday, January 28, 2013

So much to do…not enough time to do it all?!

Oh my goodness, where do I even begin??

The last week and a half has been a complete blur! So much so, that I didn’t even get the chance to blog. My apologies to those who follow me. The act of writing for me is so therapeutic, that when I don’t give myself the chance to sit down and concentrate on it, time runs away from me.

In the last week, I feel like I have been running around in circles with my head cut off trying to look for my tail. Seriously crazy INTENSE week. Just to give you an idea of what it looked like…I am the Office Manager/Administrator for my boyfriend’s home business, which week by week is getting busier and busier. I also run my own Arbonne business from my home as well. I work my business entirely over the internet, which means I am constantly corresponding with clients, consultants and potential prospects 24/7. I blog for an amazing magazine as well. Tanya Lee and I met online over Facebook when I asked her if she would like to try a sample of Arbonnes RE9 and she wrote back to me saying “do I look old”? to which I replied “of course not!,…so do you wanna try a sample?” lol,  and since then we have started a beautiful friendship across the Canada/US borders. On top of that I have my 2 crazy dogs to help take care of and last but certainly not least, I have my beautiful 17 month old son, Kaynen, to throw into the mix as well. Oh, and at the same time, trying to stay in decent shape so that I find myself attractive enough to stand in front of the mirror and wink at myself J . I’m a stay at home mom, office manager, business owner, dog walker, friend, companion and lover. Geez, can a girl get a break??


No break.

Never a break.

Always something to do. 

I am still standing though, mind you on wobbly legs and with very tired eyes, but I am still up and that’s what matters the most to me. Is that no matter how many labels I have placed on myself, I know I am strong enough to keep up and keep going. I have figured out the easiest and most efficient way for me to get everything done, is to “chunk” my time. So my mornings are basically a “NO WORK ZONE” meaning I cook breakfast for the family, sit down and eat said breakfast, play with Kaynen and the dogs, chat with Josh and then walk the dogs. By 1pm it’s Kaynens nap time for 2 hours, which gives me the time to catch up on Arbonne work and Therapy Admin work. After which, its then lunch time, and usually I can sneak in an extra hour of work while Kaynen eats his lunch. Then more play time, perhaps another dog walk, preparation of dinner and then sitting down to eat at around 630. Kaynen will then play for another hour and a half until bedtime at 8. I then hop into my bike shorts and take myself for a 45 minute spin, then a 20 minute HIIT workout then a shower. 930 rolls around and that usually means following up on Arbonne emails and Therapy emails. By 11:30-midnight, I’m pretty pooped, but have just enough left in me to hang out with my main man for an hour or so.  By 1 am I am pretty much a zombie and hit the hay.

I tell ya, if it wasn’t for Arbonnes amazing RE9 anti-aging creams and super-duper concealer and foundation, the “Walking Dead” would be casting a new zombie character.

Chunking my time has made my life seem insanely busy, but completely manageable. Josh is an amazing father and helps out a tonne when not working. Every now and then I even score a mini massage ;)
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff that goes on in your day/week/month…whatever it is….write it down and then sort out your priorities according to what is most important to you. What can wait so that you can spend more time with your man, your kids, your pets, your work. Choose your priorities and make them the most important things out of every little thing that creeps up on you and I can guarantee that life won’t seem so out of sorts at the end of the day. J

Wishing you all a very “chunking” good week!

Cheers to your Health,

Health and Wellness
GEM Magazine LI

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