Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again...Resolutions!

Well, we made it into the new year alive and well. All the hype surrounding December 21st being the last day of civilization didn't really end up panning out too well for those that truly believed it was going to happen, which means one thing must now occur...Dun, dun, dun...the dreaded Resolutions list. You know that joyous list that we make every year, like clockwork, stating all the ways we are going to make our life better, or drop those last 10 pounds we've been holding onto for the last ten years, or blah, blah, blah, whatever. Now, I pride myself on being the ever-so-happy optimist, but even I know the reality of what happens when you make a resolutions list.

That's right.
Absolutely nothing happens.

Don't get me wrong...we all start out with the best of intentions, but then life starts to get in the way, priorities happen, those 10 pounds never do come off, in fact, we probably end up gaining a few more, and our life getting better, well, there's always next year. However, I have come up with my own way of getting around the list of resolutions. Besides the fact that I never make one to begin with, I do make a concentrated effort to reflect on the year that just passed to see what went right, what went wrong, and how I can go about not making the same mistakes again. It doesn't work out for me every year though. Sometimes I do end up making the same mistakes year after year. For instance, losing those last 10 pounds...I’m still trying to and will probably be trying the rest of my life, but I'm learning not too stress out about it too much.

No, instead of a resolutions list, I set myself up with a "ways to feel better" list. This list includes all the things that I need to work on appreciating more because I end up taking them for granted day to day. You know...the little things, like kissing my man more often, spending less time on the computer, continuing to be a good person (because I am a good person, and don't need a resolution to help me with that), holding the door open a couple more times, maybe smile a bit more, stress less, say please and thank you. At the end of the day, I make a list that will help me be a better person, overall. Because I do have to live with myself 24/7 for the rest of my life, I want to make sure that I am happy, healthy and grateful while getting there.

My son, who is 16 months old now (almost 17 months), has taught me some of the best lessons in life already. He has taught me that to wake up every morning happy makes the rest of the day go smoothly, that crying when he is hurt or frustrated is exactly what the soul needed at that very moment in order to "right" itself again, and that a simple hug and kiss makes all the fear or pain in the world better. He is teaching me to appreciate those little things in life and I am forever grateful that I am able to see the world in a whole new way again because of him.

Listening to the sounds of the leaves rustling on a windy day or watching the beauty of the first snowfall draping the landscape in pure white, these beautiful moments offered to us by the earth are the rare moments when we need to stop and take it all in. They are gifts to us to keep us moving at a healthy pace. If you are missing these moments, you must ask yourself....what else are you missing?

Resolutions or not, I wish all my readers a very happy and healthy new year!

Cheers to your Health,

GEM Magazine LI, Health and Wellness

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