Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I love to be in the presence of LOVE. You know, the kind of LOVE that brings a smile to your face and a flutter to your tummy, knowing that you were around to witness it. Now, LOVE to one person can mean something completely different than it does to another, but for me I have 3 different kinds of LOVE that always make me stop and savor the moment.

An old LOVE – the kind of love that warms you because it is so strong that the feeling of it completely envelops you. A new LOVE – where you can see that for every moment and every discovery they make together, their love grows deeper and stronger. A young LOVE – the kind of love where they don’t even know that they are in love yet, but you can see it in their eyes, their body movements and hear it in their words. These kinds of love make my heart smile. And I thought that when I first started dating Josh that any one of those loves would last, with no effort involved whatsoever. That it would and could just happen all the time. However, as I am figuring out, it is not so much about love lasting so much as it is about love evolving. And the couple that is unable to evolve together is also the couple that is unable to stay together. I think I have a good example. When Josh and I first met, it was in the gym. I was being personally trained by a co-worker of his and he was personally training another gym member on the same days and hours that I was there. He and I had brief conversations as time went on but never really got into a “real” conversation, until one day, I happened to be in the stretch area of the gym, and he had just finished up with his client and was completing some paperwork. I went up to him and openly asked him if he was married as he had a ring on his finger. He explained that he was separated. We got to chatting and I asked him out for a “doggy date”. We met up for our date on July 1st, 2009, walked the dogs (one of which was Scout, I didn’t have Calla at the time, I was dog-sitting for a friend) for 12 hours! We went for a picnic lunch, ran into some friends and chatted for a bit, and then at the end of the night, we kissed. July 1st is Canada Day. Would it be cliché to say that “sparks” flew? Pretty much from that day forward we were inseparable. We had our hurdles along the way, don’t get me wrong. Arguments, break-ups, get back togethers..blah, blah, blah. A regular soap opera relationship. But we stuck it out. There was a magnet between the two of us that you just couldn’t keep apart. He moved into my apartment in November 2010 and sure enough by December we were pregnant with our son! It was completely unplanned, but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. He was made from LOVE J

Now, the pregnancy was amazing. It went so smoothly. Josh was super excited to be a Dad, I was ecstatic to be a Mom and the grandparents, well I think they were still in a bit of shock at how quick things had happened. It was after the pregnancy, when Kaynen was actually present and with us, where things really started to change. Our LOVE had changed and at that time, neither of us knew how to evolve to it. We argued A LOT. And I cried. A LOT. Thankfully for Kaynen, even though his parents were a complete disaster, he was, simply put, LOVED. He was loved by two parents who knew how to love him, but had no idea how to get back to loving each-other again. And you know during the course of the first 6 months of Kaynens life, there were many times, where Josh and I wanted to just call it quits. Throw in the towel. Head out the door. But again, the magnet that held us so tightly together in the beginning of our love, was still holding us together during this time in our love, we just didn’t know how to evolve to it.  There are no books on this. You can read ALL the parenting books in the world, but they never once tell you, and I’m paraphrasing of course – “Your relationship will feel like it has been hit by bomb, it will feel like absolute shit on most days, because, frankly, it is in the shits right now, oh, and, sorry, we don’t have an answer for you, but keep reading!”

Post baby time is crazy. And when I have new moms who ask me, how was this or what did you do for that, or is this normal…I say “YES! It is completely normal and it will change and so will you and so will your partner! You just have to want to evolve with your partner by your side!” And more often than not, that’s all it takes, is the simple reassurance that “things are shit right now, but keep your head up and your feet moving, because it will get better!”

As time went on though, and as Kaynen got older, it actually got easier.  Josh took on more responsibility with Kaynen which meant that I was able to get in some much needed “me” time, which also translated into more Josh time, because I was feeling better about not only myself, but OUR RELATIONSHIP. Our relationship had evolved and even though we had no clue on how to actively evolve with it, we actually passively just, did. We had evolved on our own, but together.  And now when I look back, through all the stuff we went through, I can not only see where I went wrong but I have the ability to be acutely aware of what I need to do to keep evolving in my relationship.

LOVE for me now is spending time with Josh, either cuddling on the couch watching a movie while the baby is sound asleep or heading out for a family walk with the dogs. LOVE is hearing the sound of my sons laughter while he gets tickled by the tickle monster, or listening to the rhythm of Josh’s heartbeat as we lie quietly with one another. LOVE is the gentle licks that I will get from Calla or Scout as they lie with me gleefully enjoying that the baby is sleeping. J
My definition of LOVE has evolved from when Josh and I first started dating. It was meant to, it had to. The more I fought it, the harder it was and the longer it took. Our LOVE is simple now, we see each other for who we really are and we try to keep it as un-complicated as possible now. We are allowing ourselves the freedom to evolve into a deeper, more meaningful, long lasting LOVE.

A little LOVE goes a long way I think. Especially in our World today; we are bombarded by negativity and messages of hate. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day…which by the way is quickly approaching, please take a moment to LOVE.  The smallest gesture, sometimes means the World to someone and can change their day or life dramatically. Be the Catalyst to Change. Don’t fear it. Embrace it. LOVE it.
Here’s a video that proves what a little LOVE can do:

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! I hope you find someone to LOVE J
Health and Wellness Blogger
GEM Magazine LI

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Physical and Mental Effects of Sleep Deprivation

What's been keeping you up lately?

As you read this, keep in mind that I am writing this blog at 10:45 pm, which has been the earliest time I have been to bed in months, which is a complete surprise for me since my regular bedtime is 1 am in the morning. Even though I am in bed, warm and cozy and comfy, I am still in fact, awake. I'm still going about my business working and thinking and logging my daily tasks into place to get ready for the next day. It's almost as if my brain is on auto run mode and it doesn't compute that it needs to be in shut down mode now in order for me to get a decent nights sleep. This is not good. Can't be good at all. I have got to start doing some major changes around this whole no sleeping issue.

The reason I decided to tackle the issue of sleep deprivation in my blog today is simply because I am sleep deprived and I suffer through everyday because of it. And I am not the only one out there who is as well. I wanted to spread some light on the effects that sleep deprivation has on our bodies and minds because, guess what, it ain't good.

Physically speaking, you can train like a warrior and eat like a well oiled machine, but if you aren't getting in enough zzz's then this is what is/could happen to you. And please keep in mind, these are the long term consequences of what could occur should a sleep disorder go untreated, whether knowingly or not. Get ready for it, it's daunting:

1. Heart attack
2. High blood pressure
3. Heart failure
4. Stroke
5. Obesity
6. Attention Deficit Disorder
7. Psychiatric problems, depression, mood disorders
8. Mental impairment
9. Fetal and childhood growth retardation
10. Injury from accidents
11. Disruption of bed partner's sleep quality
12. Poor quality of life

Take a breath and just relax a little into your chair so that you can fully absorb this list of the 12 negative long term health effects that a lack of sleep can do to you or to someone you love. Has it hit you yet? That list is the no going back zone. Your body has reached its limit and is flaking out. I'm not writing this list to scare you, well maybe to scare you, but I'm doing this because I care. No more pussy footing around here.

Good news...there is still some room for improvement, and boy oh boy, do I love renovation!

In the short term, after risk assessment, education, and treatment, memory and cognitive deficits improve and the number of injuries decreases, so here comes the short terms health consequences list, which can all be improved on once medical intervention has taken place. Or just a few extra hours of sleep have been acquired.

1. Decreased Performance and Alertness: losing as little as one and a half hours for just one night could result in a reduction of daytime alertness by as much as 32%.

32%!!!! Just from having lost as little as one and a half hours. Must. Sleep. More.

2. Memory and Cognitive Impairment: Decreased alertness and excessive daytime sleepiness impair your memory and your cognitive ability -- your ability to think and process information. It's no wonder that I am able to watch Teletoons with my son for as long as I can, my cognitive level has been reduced to a 17 month olds!!  Geez

3. Stress Relationships: If your partner sleeps bad; you sleep bad, which in turn may cause significant problems for the relationship (for example, separate bedrooms, conflicts, moodiness, etc.).

4. Poor Quality of Life: You might, for example, be unable to participate in certain activities that require sustained attention, like going to the movies, seeing your child in a school play, or watching a favorite TV show. You mean to tell me that the burning sensation in my eyes is not from the suns rays????.

5. Occupational Injury: Excessive sleepiness increases your chances of sustaining an occupational injury by twofold. Weel, isn't it a good thing that I work from home. Although, I do feel for the dogs now, look out!

6. Automobile Injury: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that each year drowsy driving is responsible for at least 100,000 automobile crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities.

Get this, studies are now showing that there is an increased risk of death for those individuals who are sleeping less than either six or seven hours per night. One study found that reduced sleep time has a greater mortality risk than smoking, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Yikes.

That is some pretty heavy stuff. I would never have thought that being sleep deprived would shorten my life span so considerably! But it makes sense, the body works as a whole, and if it's not able to function properly because of exhaustion, it basically becomes like a dam, holding the flood waters back, waiting for that one catalyst to set the water free to destroy everything in its path. It all makes sense. We are one being with so many inter-connecting functions that it's nonsense to think that one thing wrong could not affect another and send off a chain reaction. I don't know why i thought my lack of sleep was not affecting me...
Perhaps it was my sleep deprivation that kept me from thinking clearly ;(

On that sleep deprived note and on this sleep deprived night, I am determined to sleep before the clock strikes 12!

I hope this information finds you and someone you love well.

Sleep well and Cheers to Your Health!

Health and Wellness Blogger
GEM Magazine LI

Monday, January 28, 2013

So much to do…not enough time to do it all?!

Oh my goodness, where do I even begin??

The last week and a half has been a complete blur! So much so, that I didn’t even get the chance to blog. My apologies to those who follow me. The act of writing for me is so therapeutic, that when I don’t give myself the chance to sit down and concentrate on it, time runs away from me.

In the last week, I feel like I have been running around in circles with my head cut off trying to look for my tail. Seriously crazy INTENSE week. Just to give you an idea of what it looked like…I am the Office Manager/Administrator for my boyfriend’s home business, which week by week is getting busier and busier. I also run my own Arbonne business from my home as well. I work my business entirely over the internet, which means I am constantly corresponding with clients, consultants and potential prospects 24/7. I blog for an amazing magazine as well. Tanya Lee and I met online over Facebook when I asked her if she would like to try a sample of Arbonnes RE9 and she wrote back to me saying “do I look old”? to which I replied “of course not!,…so do you wanna try a sample?” lol,  and since then we have started a beautiful friendship across the Canada/US borders. On top of that I have my 2 crazy dogs to help take care of and last but certainly not least, I have my beautiful 17 month old son, Kaynen, to throw into the mix as well. Oh, and at the same time, trying to stay in decent shape so that I find myself attractive enough to stand in front of the mirror and wink at myself J . I’m a stay at home mom, office manager, business owner, dog walker, friend, companion and lover. Geez, can a girl get a break??


No break.

Never a break.

Always something to do. 

I am still standing though, mind you on wobbly legs and with very tired eyes, but I am still up and that’s what matters the most to me. Is that no matter how many labels I have placed on myself, I know I am strong enough to keep up and keep going. I have figured out the easiest and most efficient way for me to get everything done, is to “chunk” my time. So my mornings are basically a “NO WORK ZONE” meaning I cook breakfast for the family, sit down and eat said breakfast, play with Kaynen and the dogs, chat with Josh and then walk the dogs. By 1pm it’s Kaynens nap time for 2 hours, which gives me the time to catch up on Arbonne work and Therapy Admin work. After which, its then lunch time, and usually I can sneak in an extra hour of work while Kaynen eats his lunch. Then more play time, perhaps another dog walk, preparation of dinner and then sitting down to eat at around 630. Kaynen will then play for another hour and a half until bedtime at 8. I then hop into my bike shorts and take myself for a 45 minute spin, then a 20 minute HIIT workout then a shower. 930 rolls around and that usually means following up on Arbonne emails and Therapy emails. By 11:30-midnight, I’m pretty pooped, but have just enough left in me to hang out with my main man for an hour or so.  By 1 am I am pretty much a zombie and hit the hay.

I tell ya, if it wasn’t for Arbonnes amazing RE9 anti-aging creams and super-duper concealer and foundation, the “Walking Dead” would be casting a new zombie character.

Chunking my time has made my life seem insanely busy, but completely manageable. Josh is an amazing father and helps out a tonne when not working. Every now and then I even score a mini massage ;)
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff that goes on in your day/week/month…whatever it is….write it down and then sort out your priorities according to what is most important to you. What can wait so that you can spend more time with your man, your kids, your pets, your work. Choose your priorities and make them the most important things out of every little thing that creeps up on you and I can guarantee that life won’t seem so out of sorts at the end of the day. J

Wishing you all a very “chunking” good week!

Cheers to your Health,

Health and Wellness
GEM Magazine LI

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Massage Therapy and the Lymphatic System

Have you had a stressful day…the kind of day where absolutely everything that could go wrong does? Have you ever thought about taking the “time out” that we so desperately need once in a while just to recoup the overall feeling of relaxation? I always laugh to myself when I put my 16 month old son into a “time out”, or as the childcare providers now call it “a time in”…I always think as I’m telling him to stay put…”Gawd, I wish someone would put me in a time out so that I can just have 29 minutes to myself (29 minutes = 1 minute for every year= absolute sanity saver time) My son always comes out of time in time so much more relaxed looking and his whole demeanor changes. He’s calm again and happy to play quietly or sit with daddy reading. Everyone’s time out is different...mine happens to be in the corner facing the wall for 29 minutes, but yours may be to lie on the table facing down while someone tenderly rubs your aches, pains and stress away. Doesn’t that sound just lovely? Many of you know that massage comes not only with the much needed relaxation benefits but it plays a much more important role in how our body responds to stress, disease, and toxic buildup. Massage Therapy plays a big role in how our lymphatic system functions.
What is your Lymphatic System you ask? Well I will give you the answer…
Your lymphatic system is responsible for defending against infection and disease in the body.

A little background work before we get to the big picture though…
The adult body contains is made up of about 40L of water. Within that 40L, 25L can be found in the cells, also known as intracellular fluid; and 15L can be found outside the cells or extracellular fluid. Within that 15L of extracellular fluid, 12L of it is located between the cells. This is known as interstitial fluid and 3L of extracellular fluid can be found inside blood vessels as plasma or also known as intravascular fluid. Got it? Ok. Good. Next step J So, what does the body do with all this fluid? Well, fluid in the blood and the interstitial fluid are constantly being mixed in and out of blood capillaries to ensure that the waste product that is given off by the cells is removed, so as not to remain stagnant and toxic. Basically, our body is a giant washing machine, always trying to get all the compartments super shiny and working properly.

What is the function of our beautiful Lymphatic System then? Our lymphatic system has 2 gigantic functions that it needs to complete every second of the day:
  1. Helps to return excess fluid and protein from the interstitial fluid compartment back into the blood circulation. This ensures that the plasma colloid osmotic pressure will not drop as it requires protein to remain in the blood or the fluid to stay inside the circulatory system.
  2. Defense – lymphoid tissue produces, maintains and distributes lymphocytes – white blood cells – these are the cells responsible for defense against germs and bacteria that have crept their way into our system.
That being said, the lymphatic system can get clogged or plugged up which can cause edema – Edema is the accumulation of fluid within the interstitial compartments which in turn will cause swelling.

So how does massage help to avoid Edema buildup?

Well, there are a number of ways that Massage Therapy helps to keep our
Lymphatic System happy and healthy and here they are:
  1. Encourages lymphatic fluid drainage thereby decreasing the chance for edema to occur
  2. The effects of lymphatic massage are equal to the circulatory effects produced by the contraction of the muscles
  3.  Using the appropriate strokes and drainage techniques can help with the movement of lymphatic fluid thereby reducing edema
  4. Passive exercise can help when used in conjunction to encourage lymphatic drainage
  5.  Lymphatic massage can speed lymphatic drainage and quicken the resolution of swelling caused by adhesions.
  6. Massage is very effective in relieving post-surgical swelling and pain and for enhancing the rate and quality of healing
  7.  By helping to remove edema fluid this greatly reduces the incidence of fluid thickening in the body
  8. Pain can be relieved by removing the chemicals and waste products that have been dissolved in the fluid that stimulates pain receptors.
My boyfriend Josh is a massage therapist and we have many clients who come into our clinic space stressed out and run down and once their treatment is done, I see the same expression on their face that my son gets after time in time. Calm. They are happier, they walk lighter, they seem brighter! A massage has such wonderful healing and feeling good effects, I understand why all the celebrities employ their own on a full time regular basis. However, as a regular 9-5 person though, a massage will not only benefit you..but everyone else around you too!

Hmm, what’s that saying…?
Oh yes!
Happy Wife…Happy Life!

And my personal favorite – Happy mommy = happy everybody J

Cheers to your Health and have a lovely “time out”

Health and Wellness
GEM Magazine LI

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again...Resolutions!

Well, we made it into the new year alive and well. All the hype surrounding December 21st being the last day of civilization didn't really end up panning out too well for those that truly believed it was going to happen, which means one thing must now occur...Dun, dun, dun...the dreaded Resolutions list. You know that joyous list that we make every year, like clockwork, stating all the ways we are going to make our life better, or drop those last 10 pounds we've been holding onto for the last ten years, or blah, blah, blah, whatever. Now, I pride myself on being the ever-so-happy optimist, but even I know the reality of what happens when you make a resolutions list.

That's right.
Absolutely nothing happens.

Don't get me wrong...we all start out with the best of intentions, but then life starts to get in the way, priorities happen, those 10 pounds never do come off, in fact, we probably end up gaining a few more, and our life getting better, well, there's always next year. However, I have come up with my own way of getting around the list of resolutions. Besides the fact that I never make one to begin with, I do make a concentrated effort to reflect on the year that just passed to see what went right, what went wrong, and how I can go about not making the same mistakes again. It doesn't work out for me every year though. Sometimes I do end up making the same mistakes year after year. For instance, losing those last 10 pounds...I’m still trying to and will probably be trying the rest of my life, but I'm learning not too stress out about it too much.

No, instead of a resolutions list, I set myself up with a "ways to feel better" list. This list includes all the things that I need to work on appreciating more because I end up taking them for granted day to day. You know...the little things, like kissing my man more often, spending less time on the computer, continuing to be a good person (because I am a good person, and don't need a resolution to help me with that), holding the door open a couple more times, maybe smile a bit more, stress less, say please and thank you. At the end of the day, I make a list that will help me be a better person, overall. Because I do have to live with myself 24/7 for the rest of my life, I want to make sure that I am happy, healthy and grateful while getting there.

My son, who is 16 months old now (almost 17 months), has taught me some of the best lessons in life already. He has taught me that to wake up every morning happy makes the rest of the day go smoothly, that crying when he is hurt or frustrated is exactly what the soul needed at that very moment in order to "right" itself again, and that a simple hug and kiss makes all the fear or pain in the world better. He is teaching me to appreciate those little things in life and I am forever grateful that I am able to see the world in a whole new way again because of him.

Listening to the sounds of the leaves rustling on a windy day or watching the beauty of the first snowfall draping the landscape in pure white, these beautiful moments offered to us by the earth are the rare moments when we need to stop and take it all in. They are gifts to us to keep us moving at a healthy pace. If you are missing these moments, you must ask yourself....what else are you missing?

Resolutions or not, I wish all my readers a very happy and healthy new year!

Cheers to your Health,

GEM Magazine LI, Health and Wellness